The Young Adult League or YAL is a ministry within the greater Ministry of Youth, Young Adult and Family in the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver. The mission of YAL is to cultivate and educate our young adults, leading them to a deeper spiritual friendship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Christ is called in Greek the Φιλάνθρωπος, the friend of man); by utilizing four corners of the Orthodox Christian Faith, Worship (Liturgia), Fellowship (Koinonia), Service (Diakonia), and Witness (Martyria), young adults are integrated into the life and worship of the Church enabling them to become active members of the Body of Christ. What OCF (Orthodox Christian Fellowship) is for the College Campus, YAL is for the parish. Through the teaching and sharing of these important aspects through activities and events and through attending Church, young adults are encouraged and supported to become well-rounded members of the Church community. Church does not end with GOYA, a new life in Jesus Christ begins with Baptism, continues through the Sacraments and onward into eternity.
The above text is based in part on the YAL Guidelines of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, which you can find here:
You can find YAL / OCF Ministry Plans, from Y2AM (Youth and Young Adult Ministries) for your parish: (You may have to scroll further down to see them).
Look for current Metropolis of Denver YAL Events here: