Religious Education / Catechism

For many, religious education means Sunday Church School but in reality it is much more than that. Religious education takes place when we attend the Divine Liturgy and pray together in Church, when we help a child light a candle and say a prayer, when we pray before meals for God to bless the food, pray in the morning or evening before sleep, when we burning incense in the home and cense all of the rooms, or when we drink Holy Water and eat some antidoron* that we have brought home and dried, when we light our vigil oil lamp before our Icon Corner and when we read our Bible or attend a religious class. Religious Education in the Orthodox Church is really about developing a prayer based friendship with Christ (Christ is called in Greek the Φιλάνθρωπος, the friend of man) and sharing His saving message with those around us.

In addition to the Orthodox Catechism Project, the Metropolis of Denver utlizes resources available from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Department of Religious Education

For more information about religious education, please email [email protected]


To learn about the Daily Readings App from the Department of Internet Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, please visit: The $0.99 paid version of the Daily Readings App includes a full Prayer Book that will go with you everywhere you take your phone, certainly worth every penny.

To see the Prayer Book on the Metropolis website, please visit:





*Blessed Bread that is given out by the Bishop or Priest at the end of the Divine Liturgy. It is good to ask for some extra pieces, cut them up into small pieces, put them on a plate or tray and let them dry over the course of a day or two. Then each morning, on the days when we do not attend Divine Liturgy, before eating anything, we should have a sip of Holy Water and a small dried peice of antidoron after we say our Morning Prayers. When there is no Church, this is the best and most blessed way to start one's day. Saint Luke of Crimea, who was a doctor and later a Bishop, said, “Drink holy water as often as possible. It is the best and the most effective medicine. I’m saying that not just as a priest but also from my experience as a doctor."